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Next group of Affordable Homes

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19th March

There is information and an application form for the next lot of affordable homes to be built at Horizon Fields on the Sennen Parish Council webpage of this website.

Lets hope that, this time, they will be allocated to genuine hard working tax-paying local Sennen people !



Elizabeth 15 April
I think that it is the way that some people made their personal circumstances such that they qualified for these houses that is of some concern - making themselves homeless when, because we know them we also  know that they were most certainly not in dire need. We see this time and time again and can do nothing about it. This seems to rile people, even more so when those granted homes are not 'local'.  This seems to be terribly unfair to those most deserving.
There are lots of single people without children who would also love to have a first home.  Not everyone wishes to marry and have children and there seems to be little or no provision for local young men and young women to have their own home in their own village.


13 April

I believe some people were not local but others including ourselves
are!, we work hard and pay taxes it seems everyone who got a house was
slated.Other people didnt get one because proberly their circumstances
wasnt as bad as others, and if they were they would of had a chance of
getting one, but its the councils that decide.

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