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Extremely Cold Weather

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28th November

Thanks to Graham Easterling of Penzance for sending in the following data which makes the current extremely cold weather even more unusual than perhaps first thought.

`Last night the temperature dropped to -4.3C. My previous November record
being -1.3! I suspect this may be the lowest November temperature ever
recorded in Penzance. It's lower than any temperature recorded last
winter. It was even colder at Culdrose (-6C)

I've only EVER in 20 years recorded 5 colder nights - all in January.
What makes this even more astonishing is the SST is 11C, no wonder there
have been some mega showers over the sea. Huge anvils visible to the NW
now (0915). With all the recent rain/hail & snow, a wet month down here,
164mm so far.

Other records broken include the earliest winter snow cover (yesterday)
& number of days in November with snow falling (3 so far, previous
record 1).


12 Dec Nick Interesting news Graham - I have a friend in Redruth who was awoken one morning at the beginning of December by crashes of thunder whilst there was snow on the ground, as you say probably due to the uncharacteristically cold weather and (relatively!) warm sea temperature. At Ian - Winnipeg sounds freezing! It's worth bearing in mind that global warming is expected to bring more erratic weather patterns locally (the warming is global). The UK's unseasonally cold spell is just additional evidence that global warming is occurring, rather than anything to disprove it.

1 Dec


Hello from far away Winnipeg on the prairies of central Canada.
I was amused to read of the cold weather recorded in Penzance for November. Where I am sitting right now we have had extraordinary snow falls for November and have more snow down now than we had all winter last year. Winnipeg more or less sits on the same latitude as the Lizard but has no protection from the chill arctic winds that blow down from the north. Right now we have about 2ft of snow and it’s only Dec 1st. Last night the temperature was down around the –20C mark and today’s high is –12C with clear skies and bright winter sunshine. Where I wonder do such statistics fit or sit with those spouting global warming hypotheses? Enjoy the snow. Go find a hill and a toboggan and chill out!

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