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17th October

As a visitor to Sennen Cove several times a year for the past 40 years, I have a very trusting approach to leaving my belongings on the beach whilst I go off into the sea to enjoy the surf.  

 Last week whilst taking a dip, I left my rather attractive new fleece jumper neatly folded on a rock just beneath the lifeguard hut.   Imagine my surprise when I glanced over and saw a tall, thin, grey haired man taking off his own coat and top to try on my jumper!   

As I dashed out of the sea shouting, he removed it and handed it back to me without even so much as an apology.  I don't know who this person was but much of his clothing looked as though it too had been purloined from an unsuspecting bather. 
Be left on the beach could now be viewed as treasure trove !

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