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Sennen Toilets

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12 August

Sennen Toilets



29 August Lizzie It's a while since I've managed to get to Sennen, and I remember that the
loos were pretty naff last time I was there, so I just looked up the Penwith
Council website and found my way to an online form where you can make
complaints about Penwith Council loos.

Perhaps if everyone who thinks the loos are horrible does this, the Council
might sort them out ... You never know, it might work and it's a positive
way of contributing to lovely Sennen - no point moaning to people who can't
improve the state of loos that are nothing to do with them.

Terry - thanks yet again organising the for the website, it looks like I
won't make it to Sennen again this year, so I really appreciate being able
to see the daily photos and catch up with the news.
29 August Christine
I agree that the toilets are not always as fresh and clean as they could be.We have been coming to Sennen for the past 6 years in this time the car parking fees have risen by quite a substantial amount. By rising so much I would have thought that some of the money could have gone towards upgrading the toilets?
Christine and family

Penwith Distric Council have responsibility for the toilets but not the car park.

12 August


I would like to raise a point about the toilets in the car park...
 Throughout our recent visits to Sennen I have to say the toilets weren't very clean at all, even very early in the morning before the rush of visitors. The smell was quite bad and the ladies in our group said the toilet paper often ran out completely so they had to use the disabled toilet which meant it quickly ran out in there too. It was the same last year.
 Who maintains the toilets?
Can the toilets be cleaned more often and a working air freshener installed? Can someone check the paper levels more frequently?
 When in Penzance we used both the harbour toilets and the toilets near the court and they were both clean, well stocked and even smelt pleasant. 
The toilets are the only thing that lets Sennen down. Everything else is terrific.


Penwith Distric Council have responsibility for the toilets

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