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Dickie George

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Lorraine 12 Sep
This will probably be of no use to you Alan, but may be of some interest. 
My husband's Great-Aunt moved to Sennen in the late 60's/ early 70's and lived on Maria's Lane until the mid 90's.  Her house remains in the family and we are privileged enough to spend most of our holidays there.  On our last visit in July I was looking at one of the books in the house on the Sennen Lifeboat, which I think was printed in 1983 and which contained some interesting local maps.  On one map including Maria's Lane a house is labelled "DGOH" standing for Dickie George's Old House, however Great-Aunt had crossed out DGOH and written in pencil "Maria's Cottage", which would suggest that she was aware of some link between Dickie George and Maria.
Couldn't work out where the cottage was supposed to be - any help on that one?


12 September

I always understood that Dickie George was a  cousin of my grandmother Nanny Penrose. I have two long Penrose lines in St Just and Sennen which become entangled. Before the war my aunt visited Sennen and met Dickie George sitting with a group of elderly men on the seafront.  When she claimed relationship with Dickie one of the old boys said " If you be related to Dickie you be related to us all. A very true statement. My line includes lots of Penroses and Georges and Nicholas and Vingoe and Bennetts to name a few.. When I visited Sennen in the  1960/70s I met a man called Jack? George who lived in an estate above Sennen, Could it have been called Sunny Corner??  On his living room wall was a great photo of Dickie George similar to one I have at home.  He was described to me as  " a wonderful fisherman who rowed out at evening to the Seven Stones; fished all night and returned to Sennen in the morning with his catch.  He took with him a bottle of water and a piece of heavy cake.  My photo of Dickie, a newspaper cutting, was taken of him alongside  a film star of the pre war era called Belle Chrystal who was in Sennen making a film called Yellow Sands.
I had an idea that Maria, of Marias Lane was Dickies mother but I wouldnt argue that one.   I would love to have more information. I know all about heavy cake and pasties and saffron buns which my Cornish mother  made every week even though we were exiled in Lancashire.       My gt Grandmother Nanny Penrose George married my gt grandfather  Ben Pill in 1826 . Ben was the son of Hugh Pill who was a coastguard and lived in coastguard row above the slip way. I am not confused. My grandmother was Nanny Penrose and after her marriage her mother in law was  Nanny Penrose  nee George  Confused.! You will be if you follow this for long.    Alan Penrose Binns  (age 77)

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