Sennen Cove Birdwatching Home Page

Friday 26th July
Sennen:- Treecreeper in porivate garden on Maria`s Lane (thanks Di)
Porthgwarra:- 244 Cory`s Shearwater; 3 european Storm Petrel past. Minke Whale offshore.

Thursday 25th July

Sennen:- Sparrowhawk on Maria`s Lane (thanks Di)
Porthgwarra:- 472 Cory`s Shearwater; 2 Great Shearwater; 9 Balearic Shearwater; 10 Sooty Shearwater past.
Cape Cornwall:- Baleric Shearwater past.
St Ives:- Balearic Shearwater past.

Wednesday 24th July

Sennen:- 3 Curlew; 5 Chough east of cycle path this morning (thanks Di)
Porthgwarra:- 51 Cory`s Shearwater; 2 Great Shearwater; 3 Balearic Shearwater; 1s Pomarine Skua; 8 Sooty Shearwater past.
St Ives:- Balearic Shearwater past.

Tuesday 23rd July

Sennen:- Grey Heron on Maria`s Lane; 3 Chough east of cycle path (thanks Di)
Porthgwarra:- 20 Cory`s Shearwater; 4 Balearic Shearwater; 8 Sooty Shearwater; 13 european Storm Petrel past.
Pendeen Watch:- 10 Cory`s Shearwater past.
St Ives:- Cory`s Shearwater; Sooty Shearwater; 7 Balearic Shearwater; 16y European Storm Petrel.

Monday 22nd July

Porthgwarra:- Wilson`s Storm Petrel; 2 Cory`s Shearwater; Balearic Shearwater; 16 European Storm Petrel past.
Cape Cornwall:- 2 Soory Shearwater; 2 European Storm Petrel past.
Pendeen Watch:- 2 Wilson`s Storm Petrel; 2 Great Shearwater; 2 Cory`s Shearwater; Balearic Shearwater; 13 Sooty Shearwater; 23 European Storm Petrel past.

Sunday 21st July

Sennen:- 3 Curlew in field east of cycle path this morning (thanks Di)
Cape Cornwall:- 12 Cory`s Shearwater; 14 Sooty Shearwater; European Storm Petrel; c 100,000 Manx Shearwater past.
Pendeen Watch:- Great Shearwater; 15 Cory`s Shearwater; Balearic Shearwater; 12 Sooty Shearwater; 3 European Storm Peetrel; c170,000 Manx Shearwater past.

Friday 19th July
Lands End:- Atlantic Bluefin Tuna offshore.
Porthgwarra:- 7 Cory`s Shearwater; 6 Sooty Shearwater; ad Long-tailed Skua; Wilson`s Storm Petrel; European Storm Petrel past.
Porthcurno:- 3 Cory`s Shearweater; Sooty Shearwater past.
Cape Cornwall:- Sooty Shearwater past.

Thursday 18th July

Sennen:- 5 Chough east of cycle path; Treecreeper in private garden (thanks Di)
Porthgwarra:- Balearic Shearwater past.
Porthcurno:- 2 Cory`s Shearwater; imm Pomarine Skua; 3 Balearic Shearwater; Sooty Shearwater; Risso`s Dolphin; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna.

Wednesday 17th July
Sennen:- Treecreeper on Maria`s Lane; 4 Curlew over (thanks Di)
Porthcurno:- 2 Sooty Shearwater past; Wood Sandpiper over.

Tuesday 16th July
Porthgwarra:- 6 Cory`s Shearwater; Sooty Shearwater past.
St Ives:- Sooty Shearwater past.

Monday 15th July

Sennen:- 5 Chough east of cycle path (thanks Di)
Porthgwarra:- Sooty Shearwater past
Porthcurno:- Balearic Shearwater past.

Sunday 14th July
Sennen:- Barn Owl east of cycle path (thanks Di); another around Trevescan.
Porthcurno:- Sooty Shearwater; Cory`s Shearwater; Balearic Shearwater past.
St Ives:- Cory`s Shearwater past.

Saturday 13th July
Sennen:- Barn Owl east of cycle path this morning (thanks Di)
Porthcurno:- 2 Balearic Shearwater past.
Newlyn:- imm Pomarine Skua past.

Friday 12th July

Sennen:- Grey Heron on Maria`s Lane (thanks Di)

Thursday 11th July

Sennen Cove:- Hooded Crow along Maria`s Lane (thanks Di)

Wednesday 10th July

Sennen:- Barn Owl east of cycle path this morning (thanks Di)
Pendeen Watch:- 2 Cory`s Shearwater; 3 Sooty Shearwater past today.

Tuesday 9th July

Sennen:- 5 Curlew; 5 Chough east of cycle path this morning (thanks Di)
Porthgwarra:- ad Pomarine Skua; Sooty Shearwater; Long-tailed Skua; 3 Balearic Shearwater past.
Marazion:- Pomarine Skua past west.

Monday 8th July

Sennen:- Hooded Crow on Maria`s Lane; Sparrowhawk, Kestrel over (thanks Di)
Mousehole:- 30+ Cory`s Shearwater; 2 Great Shearwater; 2 Balearic Shearwater; Sooty Shearwater past.

Sunday 7th July

Sennen:- 2 Curlew; Buzzard east of cycle path (thanks Di)
Pendeen Watch:- 3 Sooty Shearwater; European Storm Petrel past.

Saturday 6th July

Sennen:- 8 Curlew east of cycle path this morning (thanks Di)
St Levan:- ad Brown Booby past late afternoon ... presumably seen from Pednymere / Porthchapel area.
Pendeen Watch:- prob Wilson`s Storm Petrel; Cory`s Shearwater; 2 Balearic Shearwater; 11 Sooty Shearwater past.
St Ives:- 3 Cory`s Shearwater; Balearic Shearwater past.

Friday 5th July

Sennen:- 5 Curlew; 3 Chough east of cycle path this morning (thanks Di)
Porthgwarra:- 31 Cory`s Shearwater; 7 Great Shearwater; Balearic Shearwater; Sooty Shearwater; 7 European Storm Petrel past.
Pendeen Watch:- Great Shearwater; Pomarine Skua; Balearic Shearwater; 5 Sooty Shearwater; 3 European Storm Petrel past.

Thursday 4th July

Sennen:- 2 Buzzard (one with snake); 5 Chough; Sparrowhawk east of cycle path (thanks Di)
Cape Cornwall:- 2 Sooty Shearwater; European Storm Petrel past.
Pendeen Watch:- 6 Cory`s Shearwater; Great Shearwater; 9 Sooty Shearwater; 2 European Storm Petrel past.
St Ives:- 3 Balearic Shearwater; 2 Sooty Shearwater past The Head

Wednesday 3rd July

Porthgwarra:- 7 Cory`s Shearwater; 4 Great Shearwater; 10 Sooty Shearwater; Pomarine Skua; European Storm Petrel; Risso`s Dolphin past.
Pendeen Watch:- 3 Sooty Shearwater past.

Tuesday 2nd July

Sennen:- 3 Curlew; 5 Chough east of cycle path; Buzzard over Treeve Moor (thanks Di)
Hayle:- Sabine`s Gull reported at Carnsew Basin
Lamorna:- Woodchat Shrike at Boleigh Farm

Some of this data is obtained from the Birdguides system and is acknowledged with thanks.
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